Most people with diagnosed mental health issues or constant emotional struggles feel crappy most of the time. They fight and they do what they can to make it through the tough times and eventually come out the other end.
But something strange happens when you start feeling good: You question it. Despite all the effort you put into it, all the different strategies you’ve tried, all the hoping and wishing and praying, feeling better can be disconcerting.
When you’ve spent weeks or months or years feeling one way, it’s hard to believe you can feel any other way. It can be very difficult to trust the good feelings. No one tells you this, of course, so it usually comes as a surprise.
That’s why I wrote my Manifesto, It’s Okay to Be Okay, which you can download here.
You want nothing more in this world than to feel good for a change. But what do you do with it? How do you respond to the good feelings? Do you really feel good, or are you getting manic? These are some of the questions I address in It’s Okay to Be Okay.
You have free reign to download and/or print this. Maybe it will inspire you to write your own Manifesto. Please feel free to share it.
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